Install OpenVPN on your LXC VPS (Note: Please open a support-ticket before you install, we need to enable the TUN device on your VPS for it to work as intended)


After support have enabled the device on your VPS, SSH into your LXC containerand execute following command:

# ls -l /dev/net/tun

If you see this it's correct:
Output: crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 200 Dec 22 12:26 /dev/net/tun


Now it's time to install OpenVPN:

Update packages and install openvpn:

# apt update
# apt dist-upgrade
# apt install openvpn git
# git clone
# cd openvpn-install
# bash

Answer the questions from setup wizard according to how you want your setup. At the end you should receive a message like this:

 The client configuration is available in: /root/client.ovpn
 New clients can be added by running this script again.


If everything worked, then the service should be started and enabled by the setup script.

Verify service is working:

 # systemctl | grep openvpn
 openvpn-iptables.service             loaded active exited    openvpn-iptables.service                             
 openvpn-server@server.service        loaded active running   OpenVPN service for server                           
 system-openvpn\x2dserver.slice       loaded active active    system-openvpn\x2dserver.slice
# ps aux | grep vpn nobody 136 0.0 1.3 11780 6844 ? Ss 14:41 0:00 /usr/sbin/openvpn --status /run/openvpn-server/status-server.log --status-version 2 --suppress-timestamps --config server.conf

Congratulations! You now OpenVPN running!

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